Lots of fun contra as well.
Cut the rug dance.
32 count 2 wall.
Cut a rug 23 votes login or register to vote.
Learn more about cut a rug share cut a rug dictionary entries near cut a rug.
Jo rita thompson usa sept 2004 music.
Quick stepping dancers are said to cut a rug.
Roll back the rug by scooter lee restaurant la bota de caldes 04 juliol 2009.
Like most slang the origins of cut a rug as a synonym for dancing are disputed.
Roll back the rug by scooter lee.
Several competing theories to explain the idea have been bandied about but none have been firmly proved.
If you cut a rug or cut the rug you dance in a lively and energetic way.
32 count 2 wall beginner choreographer.
To dance in an energetic way he s not young anymore but he can still cut a rug on the dance floor.
32 count 2 wall coreographer.
Jo rita thompson music.
This is often the case with slang which sometimes seems to catch on overnight.
Roll back the rug by scooter lee.
To dance really well and impress others.
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Some of the mothers had a great time cutting a rug alongside their teenage daughters.
Pick a fast song and even experienced dancers will like it.
Jo rita thompson descripciĆ³.