Or do it while he sits on your lap with his body.
Congested 9 month old baby.
Congestion in babies is caused either by swelling of the nasal passages so air can t get through or by the nasal passages being filled up with mucus says dr.
In a newborn up to 6 weeks old.
Nasal congestion happens when blood vessels and tissue in the nasal cavity fill up with too much fluid.
Fever see fever and children below symptoms get worse or new symptoms develop nasal mucus becomes yellow or green in color fast breathing.
Have a slower rate of weight gain but may be reaching tripling their birth weight.
Roy benaroch a pediatrician and author of solving health and behavioral problems from birth through preschool.
Babies have very small nasal passages and may only sound congested.
Germs spread while.
Breathing using stomach muscles flared nostrils quick breaths high pitched wheezing pale or blue skin.
Get immediate help if you see the following conditions.
Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room if your baby has signs of severe breathing trouble such as.
Use tissues to wipe your infant s nose and mouth as they are disposable and help maintain hygiene.
Maintain proper hygiene in your home.
Steps that a caregiver can take to help their baby feel better include the following.
Lay him down across your knees and gently pat his back with your cupped hand.
This will prevent your baby from falling sick and keep.
Developmental milestones and guidelines medically reviewed by katie mena m d.
Provide warm baths which can help clear congestion and offer a distraction.
Displayed 0 25 0 5 inches per month of head growth.
More than 60 breaths per minute.
Gentle taps on your baby s back can help ease chest congestion.
At 9 months old your baby will have on average.
Written by lindsey gudritz on september 13 2016 movement.
Panicked look grunting or moaning at the end of each breath flaring nostrils ribs pulling in on each breath breathing too hard or fast to be able to feed blue tint to skin especially around lips.
Add one or two drops of saline to their nostril using a small syringe.
Call your child s provider right away if any of these occur.
Keep up regular feedings and monitor for wet diapers.